NEW FOR 2022 – Don’t Miss The Latest BioAdvanced Innovations
BioAdvanced 5 In 1 Weed And Feed
!!Hot Buy Special!!
Missed your early season Crabgrass prevention window? 5-in-1 Weed & Feed has you covered. Customers can apply anytime in the Spring or Fall when your lawn is actively growing to kill existing broadleaf AND grass weeds (including crabgrass).
One application prevents new broadleaf weeds and Crabgrass for up to 6 months.
5-in-1 Weed & Feed is five solutions for our lawn, all in one bag:
- Kills tough broadleaf weeds
- Prevents new broadleaf weed
- Kills large Crabgrass
- Prevents new crabgrass
- Greens up to 3 months
Use only on established lawns of the following turf types: Fescue, Bermudagrass, Buffalograss, Kentucky Bluegrass, Ryegrass, Seashore Paspalum, and Zoysia. Available in 4M (704860L) or 10M (704865H) carryout-sized bags. Actives: 0.818% 2,4-D; 0.419% Quinclorac; 0.073% Dicamba; 0.240% Dithiopyr; Fertilizer Analysis: 22-0-4. Not for sale in FL, HI, and NY.
BioAdvanced Weed & Grass Killer

!!Hot Buy Special!!
Experience the fast and powerful root kill action of BioAdvanced Weed & Grass Killer.
Only one application is needed to kill undesirable weeds and grasses to the root in your driveways, walkways, fence lines, sidewalks, landscaping, or gardens.
Rainproof in 10 minutes and works down to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, spray once, and get back to enjoying the outdoors.
Ornamental gardens can be reseeded or planted 1 day after treatment.
Available in 24-ounce (704197A), 1-gallon (704198A), and 1.3-gallon power sprayer (704199A) Ready-to-Use configurations, plus 32-ounce and 64-ounce concentrates.
Get more from the “Blue Bottle” and make the switch to BioAdvanced Weed & Grass Killer. Actives: Ready-to-Use: 0.5% Glufosinate-Ammonium; Concentrate: 11.33% Glufosinate-Ammonium. Not for sale in New York.
BioAdvanced Lawn Weed & Insect Killer

!!Hot Buy Special!!
NEW BioAdvanced Lawn Weed & Insect Killer’s (800201B) dual-action formula starts controlling listed lawn insects, nutsedge, and broadleaf weeds within 1 hour.
Safe for all major turf types PLUS able to be applied when temperatures exceed 90 degrees Fahrenheit – BioAdvanced Lawn Weed & Insect Killer is a great new addition to your lawn care routine.
32 ounce Ready-To-Spray (800201B) treats up to 5,000 sq. ft. Actives: 0.520% Dicamba; 0.177% Penoxsulam; 1.317% Bifenthrin. State Restrictions: CA
BioAdvanced Season Long Grub Control Granules (Non-Neonic)

!!Hot Buy Special!!
NEW Season Long Grub Control 5M Granules (700705H) is formulated specifically for use in CT, MA, MD, VT, & Nassau, Suffolk, Kings, and Queens counties of NY.
Apply once for season-long control of grubs and other lawn damaging pests.
Actives: 0.1% Lambda-cyhalothrin. State Restrictions: N/A