Weeds Top the List of Lawn & Garden Problems for American Homeowners
If your customers hate to pull weeds, they are not alone. Weeds top the list of lawn and garden problems for American homeowners, says the 2018 GardenResearch.com survey “What Gardeners Think.” A full 57% of gardeners surveyed named weeds as the challenge they struggle with most in their household. It doesn’t have to be that way. Many may already know how to use Preen weed preventers as a secret weapon against weeds. They simply sprinkle product granules on garden and landscape beds to create an invisible barrier that blocks new weeds from growing. But now, the longest lasting Preen – Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer – is available in a larger 21.45 lb. bag size for the serious gardener. Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer blocks weeds for up to six months, guaranteed.

To break the weeding cycle, encourage customers to apply Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer in early spring, summer or fall. They can use it around established plants, including listed perennials, trees, shrubs and groundcovers in garden and landscape beds, xeriscape settings, gravel areas and rock gardens.