Winter Tips For Your New Bird Feeder Customers

If one of your customers purchased a bird feeder this holiday season, encourage them not to wait until spring to set it up! Even though it’s winter, there are plenty of songbirds that stick around, and a feeder filled with a tasty blend of seeds and nuts is always a welcome sight.

What To See In The Winter

The kinds of birds that flock to feeders in winter will depend on the part of the country. As a rule, winter feeding often attracts birds like the Northern Cardinal, the Black-capped Chickadee and the House Finch. Winter is also prime feeder-watching season for birds that rely on insects in the summer, such as woodpeckers and nuthatches. It’s fun to get to know what lands at your feeder, so encourage customers to download a birding app to their smartphone, or pick up a region-specific bird guide.

Where To Hang The Feeder

If the frozen ground and cold weather keep customers from setting up their new station, they can try a short-term solution. They can simply hang the feeder from a low tree branch, or hang it from a rope tied between two trees (or other stationary objects in their yard).

Set Out Water

Birds are always on the lookout for a good water source, even in the winter. Each morning, they should set out a shallow pan with no more than an inch of fresh water and they will have an easy upgrade to their feeding station that will draw a crowd!

What Should Fill Your Feeder

Those just starting out should not be tempted by the bargain prices at the supermarket. Birds are looking for energy-dense foods like black-oil sunflower seeds and peanut pieces. But bargain blends often come with milo seeds and other fillers that hungry birds will only push aside, making a mess of yards or decks. Start with Lyric’s Delite Mix. It skips the messy shells and fillers and contains only the meat of those seeds and nuts that birds love.

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