Japanese Beetles on the Attack!
By now most of us should have applied our first application of Milky Spore Granular to kick-off spring. It was a long cold winter and, once the weather warmed up and the snow melted away, hungry grubs began feeding away at the tender roots of our lawns and shrubs. With the coming of June so too come the onslaught of adult Japanese Beetles and without proper care to knock them out our prized flowers and succulent shrubs and trees will be victims yet again.
To get ahead of the Japanese Beetle, the proven method is to kill them at the grub stage of the life cycle. Apply the second application of Granular Milky spore, making sure to water it in so the spores settle into the root system. Once the beetles lay their eggs during the summer months, young grubs will emerge and begin to feed upon a lawn. If left untreated the lawn can stress and die, leaving it full of dirt patches.
Milky spore works immediately, once a grub ingests the spore when feeding. Once ingested the bacteria begin to multiply inside the gut of the grub, causing it to turn a creamy milky color in appearance. It only takes one rod from one spore to infect a grub, but a grub is like a mini factory, producing billions of new spores. Once the grub dies, the spore is re-released back into the soil, ready to attack another grub. This process repeats itself each and every time and that is why milky spore lasts so long. In fact, St. Gabriel Organics guarantees the product to be working in the field for up to ten years. So what does this guarantee mean? If you apply milky spore to kill off the Japanese Beetle and after 7 years they are back, St. Gabriel Organics will replace the product at no cost.
If you applied the powder form of the product, no additional application is required. The powder form is applied using a teaspoon or a St. Gabriel Organics garden dust applicator. A level teaspoon amount is applied every four feet apart in a grid pattern. The inoculated colonies of milky spore will fill the areas in between the colonies by way of the grub. Remember the grubs are like factories – once they are infected they can produce more spore and when they die and decay will release new milky spore into the lawn.
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