
The ferti-lome people – a “voluntary purchasing group” (VPG) – began operations in 1968. At that time there were only 4 members, and the entire line was one green bag of lawn fertilizer.



There are approximately 8,000 dealers doing business in 49 states, merchandising 3 complete brands of fertilizers and pesticides consisting of over 300 different products and sizes. These are brands built and owned by family merchants and brands the mass merchant cannot sell.


What is VPG?

VPG is a 100% patron-owned agricultural supply cooperative. All VPG stock is owned by approximately 8,000 locally-owned merchants. VPG returns 100% of yearly earnings from operations to its patrons in the form of a refund.


What are the merchandising benefits of VPG to family merchants?

Three complete brands of fertilizers and pesticides, each merchandised differently to help strengthen family merchants in the marketplace…brands mass merchants cannot sell. These brands earn you co-op advertising funds and other incentives in addition to a Patronage Refund based on purchases. Let’s take a closer look at what these brands have to offer…


ferti•lome® Lawn Food Plus Iron – A good all-around lawn food with iron for fast immediate greening on all types of lawns. The iron in the product is chelated for fast, long-lasting green-up of the lawn. It contains two types of nitrogen, which allow for quick greening and long term stable growth.


ferti•lome® Triple Action – New formulation of neem oil with pyrethrins for use on fruits, herbs, nuts, spices, vegetables, roses, flowers and shrubs. Provides a quick and more complete control; acts as an “exciter” to flush insects out of hiding and into direct contact with spray residues.


ferti•lome® Weed Free Zone – Controls over 80 of the toughest to control broadleaf weeds including clover, ground ivy, spurge, chickweed, dandelion, henbit, oxalis, poison ivy, purslane, shepherds purse, thistle, Virginia buttonweed, wild onion and many others listed on the label. This product works great in 40°- 90° degrees and is the fastest working weed killer on the market today.


Hi-Yield® Growers Special – A time-release fertilizer that provides complete feeding. Can be used to feed all plants even container grown, without burning.


Hi-Yield® Garden, Pet & Livestock Dust – A low odor vegetable, ornamental, rose, flower, fruit, pet and livestock insecticide. Provides both repelling and killing action on over 60 insects. May be applied until one day before harvest on listed vegetables.


Hi-Yield® Weed & Feed – Contains an effective post-emergent broadleaf weed killer in combination with lawn fertilizer. Covers 5,000 sq. ft.


Natural Guard® Copper Soap Liquid Fungicide – Controls a variety of listed plant diseases on roses, ornamental shrubs, grapes, peaches and houseplants. Available in concentrate and ready-to-use.


Natural Guard® Crawling Insect Control – A natural contact insecticide (diatomaceous earth) that works by causing abrasions on insects as they come in contact with product, resulting in loss of body fluids, then dehydration. Digestible by earthworms, thus causing them no harm. Very effective in controlling snails and slugs in bedding plant areas and around houses.


With VPG you not only have Ownership you have control, protection and profit! Our Patrons are 100% driven to build revenue for independent retailers. ferti•lome®, Hi-Yield®, Natural Guard®  provide you with “Local Solutions for Local Problems™.” You will never see our brands in the big box. VPG is about 100% success for our patrons!


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