Encap: Lawn Repair Made Easy
A lush, thick lawn not only adds visual and aesthetic appeal to your home, but it also offers a multitude of unseen benefits as well. A strong turf, with a deep root system, is nature’s best defense against invading weeds, fungus, and grub and insect damage. Cultivating a thick lawn is the best way to prevent unwanted pests and maintain a visually appealing lawn, and fall is the best time to achieve that lawn.
While many homeowners and lawn enthusiasts repair their lawns in the spring, mild temperatures, less competition with weeds, and dormant insects make fall the perfect time for seed establishment. Repairing your lawn in fall will give it the best chance at proper establishment and survival.
Lawn repair might conjure up images of back-breaking work and long days, but advanced lawn repair products from Encap® make fixing your lawn easier than it’s ever been. Whether you’re looking to repair bare spots, overseed a thin or damaged lawn, or start from scratch with a new lawn, Encap® carries the perfect product to help you create a beautiful lawn.
The Best Lawn Starts with the Best Mulch
You might think the key to successful lawn repair is in the quality of the seed, the blend of fertilizer, or the rate at which you spread it, and those are all important contributing factors. But one of the most important aspects to successful lawn repair is in using a quality seed-starting mulch.
Applying mulch along with the grass seed helps to protect the seed and prevent it from washing away. It also maintains close contact between the seed and the soil, a vital part of the germination process. Though there are many mulches to choose from, choosing a quality mulch will maximize results and help to ensure successful establishment.
Unlike any other mulch of its kind, Encap® Lawn Starter Mulch uses a patented Advanced Soil Technology™ (AST®) to hold seeds in contact with the soil, preventing them from washing away and promoting successful germination. Once seeds are established, AST® acts as a soil conditioner, creating micro-channels in the soil to allow roots to spread freely, fostering a sturdy, well-developed root system, and helping moisture to get down to the root zone where it’s needed most. Used by professionals for years on sports fields, golf courses, and commercial landscapes, this product has made its way into the retail market to help consumers achieve better results with their lawns. Usable with any type of seed, this mulch takes the guesswork out of watering with its patented Seed Watering TechnologyTM (SWT®), which sparkles when wet. When the sparkle is gone, you know it’s time to water again!
Figure 1: This chart compares Encap® Lawn Starter Mulch
with other commonly used mulches.
Over-Seeding, Bare Spots, or a Brand New Lawn
In addition to Lawn Starter Mulch, Encap® offers a variety of combination products that make lawn repair easier than ever, no matter what the problem.
Combination products such as Encap® Grass Repair Kit®, Lawn Makeover, and New Lawn Kit® contain everything you need to repair or establish your lawn. With seed, fertilizer, and mulch all in one product, there’s no need to buy and apply these products separately, cutting your workload and cost substantially – one application and done!
Encap® Lawn Makeover is a unique product developed especially for over seeding a thin or damaged lawn. This product contains organic root and plant stimulants and has the highest coverage rate of any products of its kind.
All of the Encap® repair products contain their patented AST® and SWT® technology, giving your lawn the best chance to thrive. Soil is conditioned, nutrients are made available, and you know when to water!
Repairing a damaged lawn or starting a new one has never been easier with Encap®’s advanced lawn repair products with AST®. No matter what your lawn repair needs, Encap® has a product to help you achieve a healthy, thick, green lawn!