Turn Customer Service into a NO-Brainer with Trunk Mat!

outlook_T99_bannerTrunk Mat customers all have one very important thing in common, they are all successful garden centers!

Their customers stand above the competition and the big boxes because they understand that a plastic sheet goes a long way to letting customers know how important they are. The way a customer feels in a garden center and their experience with the staff is what will keep them loyal and coming back. Trunk Mats are the one and only product available to garden centers that is solely about customer service!

Trunk Mats say thank you without even having to say it at all. Trunk Mats save staff valuable time from running around trying to find anything that will protect the customer’s car. Trunk Mats are durable and waterproof fostering the customer to reuse and keep them in their auto reminding them of your business. Trunk Mats advertise and are branded to a particular business with custom information. Trunk Mats educate and empower customers with information to create success with their plants. Trunk Mats are environmentally friendly, made from recycled film, recyclable and reusable. Trunk Mats save environmental resources and customer’s money from needing to vacuum and clean their autos. Trunk Mats are a NO-Brainer!

Almost 30 years ago, Dave Garlock created an amazing new product and built a successful business in his dining room with his wife and family. The Garlock family, thru hard work and faith, has made Trunk Mats a recognized staple in the lawn and garden industry. Dave’s almost 50 years experience in plastics and horticultural packaging, along with his family’s dedication to customer service and growth, has made The Trunk Mat Company a leading supplier to successful lawn and garden’s across the United States.

The Trunk Mat Company is 100% American owned and operated. They manufacture their mats in the United States. Their product was specifically made for the independent garden center who understands how important and easy customer service can be.

Trunk Mats are a NO-Brainer!

Order Now Using Program Number: T99S3

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