The overwhelming sentiment expressed by the 1200 attendees, was … “It’s so great to be back in person again”.
Our 2022 Welcome Back show began, as is our tradition, with the singing of The Star Spangled Banner by wonderful local performer Kelli Glover. And the Show just took off from there.
We were thrilled that the manufacturer booths were chock-full of products for all retailers to experience.
The major sentiments expressed included…
- “I came to see what the products I had already purchased really looked like”
- “It’s so helpful to be able to see the quality, size, and colors with your own eyes”
- “The Virtual platform helped me prepare so that my time spent on the Show floor was more productive and less stressful”
- “It’s so important to be able to see the New Products live and in person and discuss the concepts with the manufacturers”
Power Alley spanned the entire back of the Show with sharp looking bulk displays at terrific prices. Remember, Power Alley pricing is good through 9/30/22!
Passport to Profits participating manufacturers were well-received and for all Show attendees, this terrific program offering a 2% rebate on annual purchases is still opened through 9/30/22!
WILD CARD discounts on most Show programs also remain in effect through 9/30/22.
Program Discounts are available on the Virtual Open House through 12/16/22. Shop Now on