DeWitt: The Truth About Landscape Fabric


Do I really need to use a landscape fabric? This is a question you have undoubtedly been asked, or possibly even asked yourself at some point.

Unfortunately, there is a segment of customers that perceive all landscape fabrics as equal, and due to either their own bad experience, or someone they know telling them of a bad experience, they feel that using any landscape fabric is a bad idea.
The truth is landscape fabric is like many products – in most cases you get what you pay for. If you are going to spend several thousand dollars on a new landscape and/or hardscape installation, is saving a few dollars on the landscape fabric by purchasing the cheapest roll available really a wise decision? The landscape fabric will be among the least expensive items in most landscape installs. Going with a better grade fabric won’t in any great degree affect the budget, and will likely actually save you money in the long run with less callback, and in the worst-case scenario, a re-work of the job.
DeWitt Company carries a fabric for any project, but they pride themselves on their high-quality, commercial-duty products. DeWitt Pro5 is the heaviest weight landscape fabric on the market, and is their #1 seller. DeWitt Weed Barrier Pro is the highest quality pointbond fabric on the market, and is available in bulk 300’ rolls for contractors, and also 50’ and 100’ rolls for the retail customer.
TYPAR is well known throughout the industry to be “Tough on Weeds, Healthy for your Landscape”. TYPAR is the strongest fabric available in the landscape fabric market, and is a great choice for any hardscape application.
When it comes to fabrics, DeWitt has “Fabrics for Every Reason and a Product for Every Season.”
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